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World Wetland Day: Save water with 5 simple choices!

It is estimated that the earth will become inhabitable by 2050 if we do not make some significant life changes immediately! Wetlands, being significant sources of fresh water supply, food, building materials, biodiversity, flood control, groundwater recharge, and climate change mitigation, are one of the most critical areas of concern. While water is infinite, most of it is either salty (97%) or frozen in glaciers. We have to make do with the less than 1% that is left for human use.

But what are Wetlands?

The Ramsar Convention, signed in 1971 defined wetlands as “Areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters”.

Each year, 2nd February is celebrated as World Wetland Day, with the aim to raise awareness around the importance of wetlands. India currently has 49 recognized wetland sites, with Khijadia Bird Sanctuary in Gujarat and Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh being the latest additions today.

Conscious human action can help conserve water. This year's theme 'Wetland's action for people and nature” prompted our team at Green Future Collective to delve into technologies that are cheap and easy to adopt for all of us!

Shower regulators

Fact -

An average thermostatic shower uses nine litres of water per minute. The average person spends seven minutes in the shower, using over 63 litres of water! If you reduce the time you spend by one minute, you could save up to 3,285 litres over the year.

What to do?

Low-flow shower-heads slash bathing water consumption by 50-70 per cent. They are simple to install. Many styles and features are available, including flow-adjusting dials and a pause button, which allows you to take a break for lathering up, and then return to the same temperature and pressure.

Purchase at Ubuy.

Tap aerator


According to C.S.E, a family of five members uses 100 to 200 litres of water per day only to wash hands.

What to do?

Your current taps are spending nearly 15 litres of water per minute. Tap aerators can be attached to your existing water taps at home, which can reduce this to as little as 6 litres of water per minute!

Toilet tank leak detection tablets


A leak isn't always easy to spot as the water often drips down the back of the pot, silently. You could, however, be wasting up to 400 litres of water a day.

What to do?

Drop the tablet(s) into the water inside the tank as directed. Wait about 15 to 30 minutes for the dye tablets to dissolve or until you see the dye in the bowl. If you see dye in the bowl your toilet flapper is allowing water to drain into the toilet.

Toilet tank fill cycle diverters


The average toilet uses nearly 19 litres per flush.

What to do?

The fill cycle diverter is a plastic device that directs more water to the tank and less to the bowl while they refill so that they finish filling at roughly the same time. Once installed, a fill cycle diverter will save about 4.5 litres of water with each toilet flush.

Purchase here.

Rainwater Harvesting


A typical household can reduce their consumption of treated water from mains by between 30 and 50% by harvesting rainwater (according to the "Save the Rain Campaign").

What to do

Install the equipment and enjoy .

By using water-saving features, in-home water use can be cut by 35 per cent. This means the average household, which uses upto 6 lakh litres of water per year, could now save more than 2 lakh litres of water per year. Water it down folks !!!

Article by Jasmine Dhingra, Environmental Intern with team GFC

Disclaimer: GFC does not endorse or gain any benefits (monetary or otherwise) for any of the links mentioned in the post. These are only for readers' reference and convenience!

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